Final Reflective Letter..

Professor Nadine Gordon, This is the final component of my semester long project. I am writing this letter to you(as the name suggests) to reflect on this assignment, the compilation process and how the aims and objectives of this class align with the goals I have as a student and as a writer. The buildContinue reading “Final Reflective Letter..”

Marked Changes: Draft to Final Version.

Extended Inquiry Project( final version) with marked up changes. Scroll all the way down for pdf embedded document N/B: The words in bold were altered. I will indicate in bold font if an image/quote was altered. (The image was altered from an image of all the flags of the world in atlas shape.) (Image wasContinue reading “Marked Changes: Draft to Final Version.”

Extended Inquiry Project: Final Version.

Extended Inquiry Project: Final Version. Alabi Mora Nadine Gordon UWRT 1104-029 March 30th, 2020. “We are equal in the fact that we are different, we are all the same in the fact that we will never be the same”. C. JoyBell. C My initial inquiry was where do stereotypes get their power from anyway? IContinue reading “Extended Inquiry Project: Final Version.”

Topic Proposal.

Alabi Mora Nadine Gordon UWRT 1104-029 21st February, 2020.  Topic proposal for Extended Inquiry Project “If you want to dispossess a people, the simplest way to do it is to tell their story, and start with ‘secondly’…” –Mourid Al Baghouti  In layman’s terms, stereotypes are assumptions, generalizations regarding a group of people’s character and attributes.Continue reading “Topic Proposal.”

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